Agneta Broman / 2 min reading / Hot tubs
Society is progressing whether we like it or not. There are lots of benefits to this, but unfortunately it also means that the amount of stress is increasing. More and more people are getting burnt out and taking sick leave with fatigue because the pace of life is too fast. A few weeks' holiday in the summer isn’t enough to neutralise the strain and stress from the rest of the year. That's why we need to find breathing space in everyday life, with ways to relax and regain control.
This is where the wooden hot tub comes in. Sure, other ideas include yoga, reading books, TV shows or whatever, but those who have lowered themselves into a wooden hot tub and relaxed in the warm water know that it's unbeatable stress therapy. The same can work with a bath or a shower or a steam room and massage, but there's something special about being in water outdoors, hearing the wind in the trees, feeling the fresh air in your face, but still being protected from the outside world.
Wooden hot tubs work all year round. Perhaps it's most pleasant to step into the tub on a winter's evening when the ground is covered with snow. In a wooden hot tub, it's as hot as you want, even if everything around you is freezing, windy and covered in ice. Regardless of the weather, you’re almost invulnerable in the tub.
This feeling is strongest if you bathe after dark. Lying in a warm wooden hot tub on a cloudless night and looking up at the stars and moon is possibly as close to the sky we can get during our lifetime. You can experience the connection with outer space even more by installing different coloured LED lights to illuminate the water in the wooden hot tub.
Then it's just a matter of using the bath regularly. Many people get an exercise bike or gym card to get in shape, try language courses or non-fiction to improve themselves or renovate the kitchen so they can cook impressive dinners, but if you don't take time to relax as well, it's pointless. So put regular hot tub appointments in the calendar and don't let anything stop you from enjoying this time with your loved ones.
Sitting in a wooden hot tub is addictive, so once you start, it can easily become a habit. It's something you can always look forward to when you're trudging to work in the sleet, way too early in the morning. Then you can glance back at your tub and think that nothing will stop you from lying there with a drink in your hand later on. You can really enjoy that thought for a long time.
The assembly guide contains valuable tips and advice from our construction experts. A good base and a manual for those who plan to assemble the house themselves. We walk you through what’s important to consider before starting construction, the foundation options our experts recommend, and how the assembly works.
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