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Lean-to greenhouses

Agneta Broman / 2 min reading / Greenhouse

A lean-to greenhouse is a 'smart' type of greenhouse that takes up less space on your land and which also enjoys the heat from the wall of the residential building. In this way, the lean-to greenhouse is kept free from frost in a natural way and your plants grow better in the warmer environment of the greenhouse . With the warmth from the sun and the heat from the wall you can extend the growing season for your plants and flowers.

A greenhouse is usually placed so that it gets sun for most of the day. This might cause some problems during the summer as the greenhouse can end up heating your house if the heat isn’t let out properly (if the greenhouse is wall-to-wall with your house). This can be solved by opening the windows when the the day is at its hottest.

A lean-to greenhouse can be used as an orangery , a greenhouse, conservatory or as a combination of all the above! Set the table for dinner, read a book, decorate it as an office, grow a banana tree - the possibilities are endless. Put simply, it's an all-in-one spot for cultivation and socialising.

Before you buy your lean-to greenhouse, it may be a good idea to think about the following:

  • Where will you place it and what will it be used for?

  • Does it have windows for easy ventilation and maintaining a comfortable temperature for you and for your plants?

  • Does the lean-to greenhouse have safety glass on all the windows?

  • Do you need to inform your local council when you begin construction?

Black lean-to greenhouses

For a more unique and exclusive appearance (compared to the usual, silver 'aluminium style'), you can choose a lean-to black greenhouse. These usually match the residential building better, and add a decorative look to the surroundings.

When choosing the model, it's important to ensure that your new favourite place is safe and stable. Polhus' lean-to greenhouses are made of high-quality aluminium and are placed on a plinth to withstand the harshest conditions.

Related to lean-to greenhouses

All Polhus Greenhouses

How to build your orangery

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