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All of our articles related to building and interior design are listed below.
  • Garden House as a Rental Property
    Garden House as a Rental Property
    There are many reasons for wanting a garden house. Perhaps the most common need is extra space, but what that looks like can vary.
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  • How to build your orangery
    How to build your orangery
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  • Building a playhouse - tips
    Building a playhouse - tips
    Building a playhouse is a project that's on many to-do lists. It might be a dream for children more than for their parents, but there are advantages for the whole family - the children can have their own space at a reasonable distance from their parents, but are close enough for the parents to be able to keep an eye on them. 
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  • The advantages of a construction kit
    The advantages of a construction kit
    It's one thing to buy Ikea flat-pack furniture, but would you really dare to buy an entire house in a kit? There's a big difference between a bookshelf and a building such as a garden house , garden room, garden shed, summer house, sauna, garage, carport, gazebo, pavilion or even such an insignificant little building as an outhouse or playhouse. The short answer is 'yes'. Read on to get a more detailed answer, along with reasons why.
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  • Building a garden house
    Building a garden house
    Building a garden house in your garden is a smart way to get some extra income, a first home for your teenager who wants to move out or a guest house when relatives and friends come to visit. There are a thousand reasons to want more space and building a garden house is easier than you think.
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  • Get organised with a garden shed
    Get organised with a garden shed
    Buying a garden shed may seem like the most boring purchase you can make. It's nothing like a pavilion, a conservatory or a garden house that can be lived in. A garden shed is four walls and a roof. It might not even have any windows.
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  • Inspiration: the playhouse
    Inspiration: the playhouse
    Are you looking for a nice playhouse for the kids, but don't know which one to choose?
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  • Lean-to greenhouses
    Lean-to greenhouses
    A lean-to greenhouse is a 'smart' type of greenhouse that takes up less space on your land and which also enjoys the heat from the wall of the residential building. In this way, the lean-to greenhouse is kept free from frost in a natural way and your plants grow better in the warmer environment of the greenhouse . With the warmth from the sun and the heat from the wall you can extend the growing season for your plants and flowers.
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  • How much will the house cost?
    How much will the house cost?
    When building a house, the costs can get out of hand. It's difficult to plan, especially when unforeseen expenses appear along the way, and suddenly you have a house project that you don't know how to cope with financially.
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  • Extend the life of your playhouse
    Extend the life of your playhouse
    Parents often say that their children grow up very fast. All of a sudden they've moved away from home and started raising their own families, with their parents left wondering how it happened. Meanwhile, the parents feel that they've hardly aged in the twenty years that have passed.
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  • Building and insulating a sauna
    Building and insulating a sauna
    Building a sauna is usually done in two different ways and the most common is to buy a sauna kit or to let a professional company build the sauna on site. The biggest advantage of buying a construction kit is that it can be completed in a few hours (feel free to get help from some friends). 
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  • Playhouses inspire creativity
    Playhouses inspire creativity
    For children, a playhouse can consist of just plywood and boards, but there's no need for a playhouse to look like a sad pile of wood in your garden. Playhouses can and should look good. A playhouse from Polhus looks and works like a real house, it's just a lot smaller.
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  • Garden houses – versatile buildings with lots of possibilities
    Garden houses – versatile buildings with lots of possibilities
    There are lots of reasons why people dream of having a garden house. A garden house has a number of different uses, making it a truly versatile building. Space is always in high demand, and by building a garden house, you can have that space without turning your current dwelling into a construction site. Once the new house is there, you have several options for how to use it.
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  • The garden house - a highly efficient use of space
    The garden house - a highly efficient use of space
    When you read articles about people living in their garden houses, it's striking how efficient everything is, in terms of the available space. Each thing has its own specific place and even though the house is small, it doesn't feel crowded or cramped. The key is that each surface is cleverly planned out. 
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  • Smart interior design
    Smart interior design
    Anyone who's ever been inside a caravan or motorhome will have been struck by how cleverly thought-through everything is. Each surface is optimally planned, there are storage spaces everywhere and lots of pieces of furniture have multiple functions. The seats have storage under them, the table can be lowered so that it forms a bed along with the sofa next to it, and tools, buckets and boxes are foldable to take up as little space as possible when not in use. Nothing is left to chance!
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  • Living in a 'Tiny House'
    Living in a 'Tiny House'
    Micro housing is a trend that has grown all over the world. In the United States, the homeland of the 'Tiny House' movement, all houses under 500 square feet (46.5 square metres) are counted as tiny houses, but many people live in much smaller spaces than that.
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  • Choosing the right type of heating
    Choosing the right type of heating
    Even if you don't intend to heat your garden room or garden house so you can use it during the colder seasons, you should install some kind of frost protection if it's connected to water, as you don't want to have to empty out the whole system every year.
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  • The gazebo, a place where you can admire the scenery
    The gazebo, a place where you can admire the scenery
    You should plan the interior of your gazebo carefully, of course, but even more important is the location you choose. The beauty of a gazebo comes mainly from the view you get from within it. Think of a gazebo you've been to. If you remember what it looked like, it's probably mainly the outside you remember, but it's even more likely you remember what you saw when you looked out through the windows. Not everyone can place their gazebo by the shores of a beautiful lake or have a mountain with miles of views on their property, but the view is still a key feature.
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  • Sauna cabins, more than just wood
    Sauna cabins, more than just wood
    Wood is a fantastic building material, which can be used in many different ways. All types of wood have a different appearance and different properties. When building a sauna, the right choice of wood is crucial - it needs to be one which can withstand heat and feels cool against the skin. In a sauna, the wood you use shouldn't absorb too much heat.
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  • What is the U-factor?
    What is the U-factor?
    The U-factor, or U-value, is a term much used by savvy builders, but what does it mean and how big a role does it play? Let's find out.
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  • The key to a good foundation
    The key to a good foundation
    For anything in life to be a success, it needs to be well-grounded. This is especially true in the construction industry, where taking shortcuts is a sure path to failure. The very first practical step in all constructions is, of course, the foundation on which the building will rest. This is a principle that all construction companies know, but also one that all private building enthusiasts should take into account.  
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  • Painting the Facade - Tips for painting your wooden house
    Painting the Facade - Tips for painting your wooden house
    When you think about building a house, it's probably mostly the construction process you consider. But the fact is that painting the facade properly is at least as important. Untreated wood decomposes, cracks and turns grey in no time at all. The biggest culprit in this crime is neither rain nor snow, but the sun's UV rays, with the result that you have to repaint your house. That's what Stefan Wahlberg, technical consultant at AkzoNobel, the paint group with well-known brands such as Nordsjö, Cuprinol and Hammerite, explained to us. 
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  • Gazebos – inside but outdoors at the same time
    Gazebos – inside but outdoors at the same time
    Gazebos are often hexagonal or octagonal, but give the impression of being almost round. With its large windows, the gazebo's location is very important because the view from it is the main attraction. The windows themselves are a central feature of the gazebo. With windows in all directions, it almost feels like being outdoors even though you’re sitting inside a building with a roof and walls. The big difference from the outdoors is that you avoid rain, wind, cold and insects in the gazebo.
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  • Saunas keep you healthy
    Saunas keep you healthy
    People have been enjoying saunas since the beginning of time. They're especially welcoming in autumn and winter, but it's always nice to step into a hot sauna, regardless of whether it's electrically heated or has a wood-burning stove. However, did you know that saunas are not only relaxing, but also healthy? Studies have shown that regular sauna sessions can strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce tension headaches and depression and detox your body. You get clean on the inside as well as on the outside.
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  • Wooden hot tubs – your very own private spa
    Wooden hot tubs – your very own private spa
    The word 'spa' comes from the Belgian town of Spa which, with its hot, mineral springs became a resort as early as the 14th century. A spa is a health resort, a place where you can get treatments for your ailments with the help of hot baths. Nowadays, the label is also used for lots of hotels and other holiday establishments because the spa concept has become so popular. We have so much stress in our everyday lives, at work and in our homes - picking up children, housework and other commitments. We want to take it easy and enjoy ourselves when we have some free time. We don't need more stimulation, we need peace and quiet, relaxation and rest.
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  • A house for your car
    A house for your car
    A residential house is for people to live in, a playhouse is for children's games. A garage, on the other hand, is a house for cars, or possibly motorcycles or lawn mowers, but in any case mainly for vehicles and not for people.
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  • The outhouse – being inside while outdoors
    The outhouse – being inside while outdoors
    Today, it's a given that most people have a toilet in their home. When the need arises, you go there and then flush away all the evidence with water through the sewers. But just a hundred years ago, it wasn't the norm at all to have a water closet inside the house, and a few decades back, the toilet was just an outhouse.
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  • How to easily assemble the foundation
    How to easily assemble the foundation
    All houses start with the foundations, whether it's a tool shed on a few hundred square feet or a two-storey villa. Something that also applies to all buildings is that if you neglect the foundations, it's not possible to save the situation by building a great house. The fundamentals are kind of… fundamental.
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  • Summer houses, with a full-time standard
    Summer houses, with a full-time standard
    Coronapandemien har ført til en ny, grøn vej. Arbejdsgiverne er begyndt at anbefale medarbejderne, at de arbejder hjemmefra for at mindske smittespredningen, og mange har opdaget fordelene ved at være hjemme i dagtimerne. Man får nu mulighed for at spise morgenmad med sine børn, slippe for bilkøen til og fra arbejdspladsen, spare rejsetid, og man kan sågar lave sin egen frokost i ro og mag. De møder, man tidligere havde i konferencerum, kan fint klares over internettet. De bliver ofte mere effektive og strukturerede, end hvis man havde været tvunget til at samles på ét og samme sted.
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  • Summer house – east, west, home is best
    Summer house – east, west, home is best
    The corona pandemic and environmental concerns have resulted in fewer flights and have made us more inclined to holiday at home. What started as the only option has now become a very deliberate choice. Taking a holiday is supposed to mean time for taking it easy, spending time with your family and recharging before returning to stressful everyday life. In sharp contrast, package holidays can be anything but stress-free.
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  • Garden rooms – a free-standing house
    Garden rooms – a free-standing house
    Being in a relationship and having a family is a goal for lots of people. If you have a big house, there's often a corner where you can get some peace and quiet when you need your own time. But most people probably dream of having a quiet space of their own, a place where you can lock yourself away and do whatever you like, then close the door and know that everything will be in the same condition when you return.
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  • Can you live in a garden house?
    Can you live in a garden house?
    Garden houses are small, practical and relatively inexpensive. They definitely work as a home office or guest house, but can you really live in 25-30 square metres (269-323 square feet)? If you're used to a larger home, then it seems unlikely, but there are people who willingly move into motorhomes and caravans, and those dwellings are even smaller.
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  • Enjoy the sauna, just like in the middle ages
    Enjoy the sauna, just like in the middle ages
    You might think that the sauna is a new invention, especially when you see modern electric sauna heaters with wireless remote controls, but people have actually been enjoying saunas since the middle ages, or possibly even longer. Nomadic Persians are said to have used so-called 'sweat baths' as early as 3,000 years ago. In the Nordic countries, people have probably been using saunas for 2,000 years, and, today, Tampere in Finland is the official sauna capital.
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  • Dinner in a lovely outdoor room
    Dinner in a lovely outdoor room
    Hosting a memorable dinner party is an art. You can prepare something spectacular that no one else has offered your dinner guests before, or cook something you have made so many times that you've refined the recipe to perfection. But really, it's rarely the food that makes a dinner special. Instead, it's everything connected with it that turns the meal into an event to remember. The company and the setting make the feast.
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  • Not just for your car
    Not just for your car
    It's nice to have a garage or a carport where the car is protected from the wind and bad weather, but a garage can be used for much more than just parking. Bicycles, lawn mowers or outdoor furniture can also be stored there. For part of the year you might even park your boat in the garage or carport.
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  • The garage - your new favourite room?
    The garage - your new favourite room?
    You could say the garage is the most boring part of the home - a space to park in, nothing more. But actually a garage is much more than that, and you'll realise that as soon as you have one. Maybe you'd be just as satisfied with a carport, as it's the roof that is most important.
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  • Bathing under the stars
    Bathing under the stars
    Society is progressing whether we like it or not. There are lots of benefits to this, but unfortunately it also means that the amount of stress is increasing. More and more people are getting burnt out and taking sick leave with fatigue because the pace of life is too fast. A few weeks' holiday in the summer isn’t enough to neutralise the strain and stress from the rest of the year. That's why we need to find breathing space in everyday life, with ways to relax and regain control.
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  • Wooden hot tubs, the new meeting rooms
    Wooden hot tubs, the new meeting rooms
    How often do you chat with a group of people nowadays? Maybe not very often, at least not as often as you used to. Modern technology has many advantages, but it's also made face-to-face conversation less necessary. Take the break room at work - people used to meet their colleagues there and have lunch and sometimes even coffee breaks together. But then everyone got smartphones and suddenly there was no need for people to be social - they could find company on their phone screens.
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  • A room for pondering
    A room for pondering
    Many people think of an outhouse as a dilapidated dirty building with a wonky door. You just go in, do what you have to do, get out again as quickly as possible and hope that it will be a long time until your next visit. But it doesn't have to be that way. An outhouse should be a robust and inviting building where you're happy to take your time.
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  • Garden room – a place to live in
    Garden room – a place to live in
    A garden room provides peace and quiet - your own space where you can read, write or work in silence. It's also possible to see it as the opposite. Since the garden room is a free-standing building with insulation in the walls, you can live it up without disturbing the peace of your family or neighbours.
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  • A playhouse for everyone
    A playhouse for everyone
    Playhouses are usually bought for children. At the same time, there can be many benefits for the children's parents, too. As a parent, there's nothing more fun than making your children happy. If you give them a house, you'll be a super parent in their eyes, and that's a great feeling. All adults who had a playhouse as a child remember what it was like to have their own little house in the garden. Of course you want to give this feeling to your own children as well.
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  • Garden sheds aren’t anything to be ashamed of
    Garden sheds aren’t anything to be ashamed of
    Garden sheds are designed to create some order in the garden chaos. It's nice to always know where you have your belongings and to be able to store them under a roof, like a storage building on your land.
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  • Summer houses – a dream you can make a reality
    Summer houses – a dream you can make a reality
    A summer cottage, a small croft or a modern summer house, where you can recharge your batteries when you need a break from everyday life, are all places many people long for. Imagine being able to grow your own tomatoes, build a bookshelf or just sit with a coffee cup in your hand and enjoy the chirping of the birds. That's the good life!
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  • The history of the gazebo
    The history of the gazebo
    Gazebos may be popular now, but they're certainly not a new phenomenon. As early as the 17th century, when Renaissance gardens had exciting features such as mazes, gazebos were often included. After that came Baroque gardens with their geometric patterns - and gazebos too. During the second half of the 18th century the gardens and public parks of the Romantic period started to appear. Away with right angles and mazes, it was time for winding gravel paths, bridges with arches, irregular stone sections, and, once again, gazebos.
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  • The Sauna – a place to be yourself
    The Sauna – a place to be yourself
    The world is full of people on the hunt for status symbols. For them it's important to have the right clothes, the right style, haircut and car, not to mention being seen with the right people. All to show that they’re successful - people to look up to and take seriously. Never before has humanity been so obsessed with status.
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  • Installation of the Sauna Heater and Chimney
    Installation of the Sauna Heater and Chimney
    Install firewall panels in the corner of the room where the unit is to be placed. These panels can then be painted or covered with stone or clay tiles, but remember to choose a coating that can withstand heat without discolouration. The panels can also be left as they are. With the sauna heater in place, they won't be the centre of attention anyway.
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  • The garden room – a guesthouse on your land
    The garden room – a guesthouse on your land
    A garden room can be used for many things: a home office, garden shed, darkroom, workshop… but perhaps you need it most when you have a temporary lack of space. If you don't have overnight guests very often, a spare bedroom seems unnecessary, as the space will be completely unused when no one is visiting.
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  • The garden room – a guesthouse on your land
    The garden room – a guesthouse on your land
    A garden room can be used for many things: a home office, garden shed, darkroom, workshop… but perhaps you need it most when you have a temporary lack of space. If you don't have overnight guests very often, a spare bedroom seems unnecessary, as the space will be completely unused when no one is visiting.
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  • A garden room is always useful
    A garden room is always useful
    "If only I had one more room!" is something all of us have said at one time or another. Some of us might even feel that way every day. No matter how big the homes we have, they always seem to be just one room too small. A garden room is the perfect solution. If you buy one in a kit, you can have that extra space in no time, and even though the garden rooms are only 10-15 square metres (32.8-49 square feet) in size, there are lots of different styles and options. Most have an open floor plan, with just one large room, but you can have two rooms as well. Some have lots of large windows and others have almost no windows at all.
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  • 8 tips for taking control of your garage
    8 tips for taking control of your garage
    Are you one of those people who can't fit their car in the garage, because it's so messy that you don't even know where to begin tidying up? Try our eight tips to optimise your garage space.
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  • Door adjustment - how to adjust our doors
    Door adjustment - how to adjust our doors
    Manual for adjusting doors
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